sabato 8 settembre 2012

The 100 Best Video Sites For Educators: I 100 Migliori Video Siti Educativi

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Un sintetico post per segnalarvi "The 100 Best Video Sites For Educators: I 100 Migliori Video Siti Educativi", che non possono mancare nelle risorse utilizzate dai docenti, attenti alla realtà tecnologica odierna, e irrinunciabili per attuare una didattica innovativa e adeguata ai giovani studenti di oggi.

Sono segnalati in questa pagina web da edudemic.

Ne riporto i primi 10:

  1. TeacherTube: This YouTube for teachers is an amazing resource for finding educationally-focused videos to share with your classroom. You can find videos uploaded by other teachers or share your own.
  2. Edutopia: An awesome place to find learning ideas and resources, Edutopia has videos, blogs, and more, all sorted into grade levels.
  3. YouTube EDU: A YouTube channel just for education, you can find primary and secondary education, university-level videos, and even lifelong learning.
  4. Classroom Clips: Classroom Clips offers media for educators and students alike, including video and audio in a browseable format.
  5. neoK12: Find science videos and more for school kids in K-12 on neoK12.
  6. OV Guide: Find education videos on this site, featuring author readings and instructional videos.
  7. CosmoLearning: This free educational website has videos in 36 different academic subjects.
  8. Google Educational Videos: Cool Cat Teacher offers this excellent tutorial for finding the best of Google’s educational videos.
  9. Brightstorm: On Brightstorm, students can find homework help in math and science, even test prep, too.
  10. shares live animal cams, films, educational channels, and more for your classroom to explore.

Il resto della collezione potete trovarlo al link prima indicato e anche qui.

2 commenti:

  1. Super! Grazie della preziosa segnalazione!

  2. Figurati, France! Sono delle risorse imperdibili, che è giusto segnalare:)
